Refused Refugee Claim?

You are at the right place. Contact us if you want to appeal the negative decision on your refugee claim application.

Procedures and practice notices

While each division of the IRB is responsible for making decisions on different immigration or refugee matters, they all follow an administrative tribunal process similar to what happens in a court, though less formal. The process is flexible and can take many forms so long as it ensures that the IRB makes well-reasoned, efficient and fair decisions. The IRB tribunal process is based on Canadian law, Canada’s international obligations and Canada’s humanitarian traditions.

Filing an appeal
To launch an appeal, you must file a notice of appeal to the RAD no later than 15 days* after the day on which you received the written reasons for the RPD decision. You must provide three copies of your notice of appeal to the RAD Registry in the regional office that sent you your RPD decision.

You can deliver, mail or fax your notice of appeal to the IRB regional office that sent the original refugee decision.

What are the time limits for an appeal?
The following time limits apply to your appeal:

  • no more than 15 days after the day on which you received the written reasons for the RPD decision, you must file your notice of appeal.
  • no more than 30 days after the day on which you received the written reasons for the RPD decision, you must file your appellant’s record.
  • Unless a hearing is ordered, the RAD will wait 15 days before making a decision on your appeal.
  • The Minister may decide to intervene and submit documentary evidence at any time before the RAD makes a final decision on the appeal.
  • If the Minister decides to intervene and to provide submissions or evidence to you, the RAD will wait 15 days for you to reply to the Minister and the RAD.
  • Once you have replied to the Minister and the RAD, or if 15 days have passed and you have not replied, the RAD will make a decision on your appeal.


What happens if I miss a time limit?
If you miss the time limit to file the notice of appeal or the appellant’s record and you still want to continue with the appeal, you must file an application for an extension of time.

The application for an extension of time must follow rule 6 (Application for extension of time to file or perfect) and rule 37 (How to make an application) of the RAD Rules. You must provide three copies of your notice of appeal and two copies of your appellant’s record with your application. You must also provide an affidavit or solemn declaration that explains why you missed the time limits.

Mann ImmigrationRefused Refugee Claim?